And so, our ten days have begun! The idea is to just notice what brings us joy and then take a few minutes to record it in our art journals (or wherever we'd like to!).
My day began with some anxiety. It was also the day I was travelling and that tends to cause me a little stress as well. But I leaned on a few friends for help, and realizing that I'm so supported was a great feeling. And such a load off my back when a friend was available to help me out.
I managed to get to the airport on time and sat down and made this quick comic. (I am trying to push myself and make short comic-style pages these days) I made this with just a pencil and no eraser. A voice inside my head kept saying this ought to be better. But here’s the thing I’m telling everyone doing this - just show up every day without stressing about making it pretty. So here I am.

I'm also putting together a few others of your posts that came in via Instagram. I LOVED seeing what brought you joy yesterday. I saw:
a scene from a beautiful nature park in Scotland
someone's sweet little pug (called Muffin <3)
the energy after a pranayama or breathwork session
and someone finishing a part of their art course
just the joy that comes from intuitively letting your pen guide you!
Like TheSlowArtist said in their post, 'Everything is around us, all we need is to open our eyes.' I know a lot more of you have made your art. Please share and tag me on Instagram and use #10DaysofSmallJoys or email me. I am having some issues with guest users posting images on comments on blog posts, but I will have that sorted soon.
I'll be back with Day 2 roundup tomorrow. In the meanwhile, I can't wait to see what you've all made :)